Smart Dental Inventory Workshop

November 6, 2019

How it all started:

Since we stared Zen it was very clear to me that at some point I'll have to combine both passions, organizing physical space and training our officers on how to use Zen.  Before hosting any seminars I wanted to learn how supplies are managed, how dental assistants restocking each room and more importantly would a lean methodology ever work in the dental practice software.

Our first attempt to help practices was with the post called "Ready, set, Get your Dental Supplies Organized with Tip Out Bins"  which details how to select Tip Out bins, order, Install, and fill with dental supplies.

Then in March of 2019 my friend Dr. Michael Hardcastle, Village Dental, called and asked to come by to help set up tip out bins and organize the dental inventory system. My obvious answer was "Why Not" and after that "Awbery Dental" and then little did I know it's a separate setup all together with a big and promising name - Dental Inventory Makeover

What we are offering:

We always wanted to host a seminar/workshop at some of our most organized offices, where lead dental assistants who are in charge of inventory and ordering can lead the workshop with examples, hands-on material, and a walkthrough. An office that we can all learn from how they never run out of things, keep budget below 4%, do not store more than 3 weeks worth of supplies and most importantly keep the entire team happy? Well, we found an office that is just like that, Westgate Dental Care. The team who is in charge of it all, Tracy, Michelle, Kaylee, and Dr. Kics are the best and will be hosting this workshop and will cover the following:

  • Entire Process from treatment room to Main storage/Stocking room
  • Checklists/inventory list
  • Process of ZenOut
  • How often orders are placed
  • How to select Vendors
  • Order Approval Process
  • and How to get the entire team involved

Bring your floor plans, images and let's discuss how to customize your storages and inventory flow.

Breakfast and Lunch will be served (we promise to surprise you with special Chicago treat)


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